Business Collaboration | Stop Playn’ Apparel


This particular business collaboration is special because the owner of this soon to be launched business is a good friend of mine. Ed Chapman of Stop Playn Apparel has been a good friend of mine for many years. I can remember when we first met because it was about 4 years ago around this same time. We met during a New Years Eve party of married couples. We hit it off immediate that night and had a ball playing spades and eating a lot of food!

Four years later and I’m so proud of my bro Ed to see him grinding hard to make his dream a reality. I was honored to have him ask me to do this creative shoot of his new T-shirt line called Stop Playn’ Apparel. From the mouth of Ed himself, “Stop Play'N was created to motivate, inspire, uplift, and inform individuals about viewing life through an alternate lens. No two individuals travel the same road or embark on the same journey, yet obstacles are faced by all. Despite the challenge, if you believe it you can achieve it...”

Stop Playn Apparel is an edgy, fun but bold message and we wanted to capture that in the creative shoot we planned. What better place to get the edgy, urban look than with the skyline of Uptown Charlotte.

We picked one of my favorite locations of all - the rooftop of an Uptown Charlotte parking lot. On a picture perfect sunny day we met up with Ed, his family and our other friends for an amazing shoot.

Check out the rest of the images we created from the shoot and definitely give this T-Shirt brand a look at his newly launched website Stop Playn


Business Collaboration | Reece Boutique |Charlotte, NC